No More Hot Air - Stay Cool While You Sleep

A woman is sleeping on her back with head resting on a pillow. The sheets and comforter are green.

Do you get hot when you sleep? Are you constantly waking up in a sweat or with hot flashes? If so, read on for tips on how to stay cool while sleeping. Stay comfortable and get the rest you deserve by using these methods to keep cool on hot summer nights. You'll be glad you did!


Your core body temperature plays a vital role in regulating your sleep cycles. When you sleep, your body temperature naturally dips slightly. This drop in temperature is thought to help promote drowsiness and induce sleep. Cooling your core body temperature can help to encourage this natural dip, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night. Read on for ways to cool your core temperature before turning in for the night.


As anyone who has ever suffered from a night of indigestion knows, eating close to bedtime can lead to some unpleasant consequences. Not only can it cause discomfort and disrupt sleep, but it can also raise your temperature. This is because the process of digestion generates heat, and when you eat before bed, your body must work overtime to break down the food. To avoid this, try eating smaller meals closer to bedtime. This will give your body plenty of time to digest the food before you turn in for the night. You'll sleep more soundly and wake up feeling refreshed and cool.


A white bowl with salad greens, sliced pears, nuts and cheese. The bowl is on a white napkin and a metal table.



Most people know that it is important to avoid getting too much sun during the day, but they may not realize that this can also help to keep your temperature low for sleep. The human body is designed to cool down at night, and this process is known as thermostat reset. When the body is exposed to too much heat during the day, it can interfere with this natural process. As a result, people who get too much sun during the day may find it difficult to fall asleep at night.

There are a few simple steps that you can take to avoid this problem. First, limit your exposure to sunlight during the peak hours of the day. If you must be outside during these times, be sure to wear clothing that covers your skin and a hat that shades your face.

Second, drink plenty of fluids during the day to stay hydrated. This will help your body to sweat, which is an important part of cooling down. Finally, avoid strenuous activity in the heat of the day. Taking these steps will help you to avoid getting too much sun during the day and will allow your body to stay cool at night so you can get a good night’s sleep.


A woman is wearing a sun hat while smiling. Her hands are resting on the top of her head.



It's no secret that alcohol can make you feel sleepy. In fact, many people drink alcohol before bed to help them fall asleep. However, what you may not realize is that alcohol upsets the body’s thermoregulation process, making you feel warm and causing sleep difficulties. That's why it's important to limit your alcohol consumption before bedtime.

Drinking alcohol may help you fall asleep initially, but it will make it harder to stay asleep throughout the night. It inhibits REM sleep, causing you to become more restless and uncomfortable, eventually leading to a sleepless night. So, if you're looking for a good night's sleep, it's best to steer clear of alcohol before bedtime.


Close up of wine glasses clinking. They are filled part way with red wine.



One way to improve your sleep quality is to exercise in the morning instead of in the evening. While it might seem counterintuitive, working out in the morning can help you to sleep better at night. Exercise raises your body temperature, which takes several hours to return to normal. By exercising in the morning, you give your body ample time to cool down before bedtime.

In addition, morning exercise can help to regulate your internal clock by promoting evening melatonin production. This makes it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. So, if you’re looking for a way to improve your sleep quality, consider adding a morning workout to your routine.


A woman is running on a beach with the sun setting behind her.



It's a common belief that drinking cold water before bed will help you to sleep better. After all, cool water can help to lower your body's temperature, and a cooler temperature is ideal for sleeping. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. In fact, drinking cool water before bed may wake you up instead of helping you to sleep.

When you drink cold water, your body must work hard to warm it up to body temperature. This process takes energy and can make you feel more awake. So, if you're looking for a way to sleep better, stick to room-temperature water or warm herbal tea before bed.


One way to cool off before bed is by using ice packs on your pulse points. Pulse points are areas where blood vessels are close to the surface of the skin, such as the wrists, neck, and temples. Applying cold water or a wet cloth to these areas can help lower your body temperature and make you feel more comfortable.

If you don't have a cold compress handy, you can also use a plastic bag filled with ice cubes. Simply apply the bag for a few minutes, then remove it and allow your skin to air dry. You may need to repeat this process several times before you start to feel cooler, but it's a simple and effective way to make your bedroom feel more comfortable on hot summer nights.


Anyone who has ever tried to sleep in a hot, stuffy room knows that it is not an easy task. The human body is naturally inclined to cool down at night, and a warm sleep environment can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. While turning on the air conditioner may seem like the obvious solution, it is not always feasible or affordable. There are, however, a few simple tricks that can help you keep cool at night on hot nights.


One of the most effective ways to cool a room is to create a cross breeze. To do this, you'll need to place two fans in opposite corners of the room. Set one fan to blow into the room and the other to blow out. This will create a circulation of air that will help to push the hot air out of the room and bring in cooler air from outside.

You can also use a ceiling fan to cool off your space. Ceiling fans are especially effective at circulating air and can help to create a refreshing cross breeze. Just be sure to set them on low so they don't make too much noise. And if you're really struggling to stay cool, consider investing in an air conditioner. Air conditioners work by circulating cool air throughout the room, making it easier to keep your space at a comfortable temperature.


A woman is squatting down with small fans surrounding her.



If you're struggling to keep cool at night, it might be time to rethink your bedding. Many people believe that cotton is the best fabric for keeping cool, but in fact, linen is a more breathable material and therefore helps to regulate body temperature more effectively. In addition, sheets with a high thread count will trap heat, so opting for a lower thread count can also help you stay cool at night. With so many options on the market, it can be hard to know which bedding is right for you. But by keeping these tips in mind, you'll be sure to find the perfect set of sheets for a good night's sleep.


A bed made with white sheets and a sandwashed duvet cover. The duvet cover is folded back over itself part way down the bed and the top sheet is folded over the duvet cover.



The Egyptian method of cooling down your bed is simple and effective. All you need to do is wet sheets in cool water and drape them over your bed. The evaporation of the water will help to cool the air around your bed, making it more comfortable to sleep in. You can also add a fan to the equation, which will help to circulate the cooler air. This method is particularly effective in hot, dry climates where there is little moisture in the air to begin with.


If you don't have central air, there is still hope. You can create your own DIY air conditioning unit with a few simple materials. All you need is a large bucket, some ice, and a fan. Simply fill the bucket with ice and place it in front of the fan. The moving air will cause the ice to melt, creating a cool, refreshing breeze. Additionally, you can place a wet towel over the top of the bucket to further distribute the cooled air. With this simple DIY unit, you can keep your bedroom cool and comfortable all night long.


When the weather outside is hot and humid, the last thing you want is for your bedroom to feel like a sauna. One way to prevent this is to keep your blinds or curtains closed during the day. Blackout curtains are especially effective at blocking out sunlight, but any kind of window covering will help to keep your room cooler. In addition, you can also try installing reflective film on your windows. This will reflect some of the sun's heat away from your home, keeping your bedroom more comfortable during the summer months.


Beige curtain hanging next to a window which has blinds drawn.



There are many ways to stay cool while sleeping, some of which are more effective than others. By using the tips in this article, you should be able to find a method or methods that work best for you and help you get the rest you need during the hot summer months.