A young woman sits in her bed, wrapped in a light blue duvet.  It is daytime, and a cup of coffee rests on the nightstand.

Study, Snooze, Repeat: Dorm Room Decorating Ideas for a Well-Dressed Bed

Dorm living is all about making the most of a small space... and enjoying it! Check out these tips for decorating your dorm room on a budget, starting with your bed!
A woman sleeps in bed while cuddling her dog.

Is Sleeping with Pets Good for You?

A lot of people sleep with their pets, but what are the benefits and risks involved? We take a look at some of the pros and cons for sleeping with our furry friends.
The outside of the Bare Home office and warehouse.

Meet Brenna from Product Development

Have you ever wondered who is behind your favorite products?  Well, we’re trying something new here at HQ, with “Behind Bare Home”—a semi-regular series profiling our team members.  Our goal is to give readers a...
A woman sits on the edge of a bed, savoring a cup of coffee.  She is gazing toward a window and daylight is streaming in.

What's Your (Chrono)type?

Do you know your chronotype? This guide will explain sleep chronotypes, how they work and how you can find yours. Finally, get some tips for how to use your chronotype to boost productivity and get...
A woman is reading a book while sitting on a couch covered with a colorful striped blanket. She has a green blanket covering her legs.

Sleeping Accommodations from Different Cultures

There are all sorts of different bed styles worldwide. Some are luxurious and comfortable, while others are humbler and simpler. No matter what type of bed you have, though, one thing is for sure: you...
A woman sits in the middle of a bed.  She is wrapped in a light blue sheet and is looking off to her right, smiling.

Blue Mood: The Story of a Color

Ever wondered what the color blue means? This post dives deep into the symbolism and psychology of blue, with examples of how to use the color in your home.
A woman sits in the middle of a queen-sized bed.  She is holding a white comforter and is smiling.  It is daytime.

What Makes Bedding Hypoallergenic?

If you're one of the many people who suffer from allergies, skin sensitivities, or respiratory issues, finding bedding that doesn't aggravate your symptoms can be a challenge. In this post, we'll look at which bedding...
A small collection of clean products in a blue dish. A person is reaching for something inside the dish.

Recipes for Homemade Laundry Detergent

Looking to make your own laundry detergent and other products? Check out our recipes that use natural ingredients like vinegar and borax.
A woman sleeps inside of a sleeping bag.  She is lying on top of a sleeping pad in a tent.  Colors are natural – green, blue and tan.

Happy Camping: How to Get a Good Night's Sleep in a Tent

When most people think about camping, they imagine spending days and nights outdoors under the stars. But for those of us who aren't used to sleeping on the ground, it can be difficult to get...